Drosia Primary School in Larnaka district has become a leading pioneer in recycling of PMD and paper, plastic lids and in the reuse of toys, clothing and used cooking oil.

The School Headmaster Andreas Theodorou has told CNA that the recycling campaign began five years ago with the recycle of plastic and paper. Special bins were placed in the classrooms and slowly the school started to promote the idea of recycling and of raising awareness about the environment and sustainable development.

According to Theodorou, the program was a major success and the school decided to launch a campaign for used toys. Students started bringing in old school games and toys, gifts and books that no longer used. `These were used at a flea market at a very cheap price, ie one or two euro and the money we collected funded various projects for the school; we bought wooden benches, we repaired the yard, we bought audio and video aid etc`, the Headmaster told CNA.

He said that later on the school decided to start the collection of batteries and so it got in touch with AFIS, a non profit organization that deals with the recycle of batteries, which placed special bins to collect old batteries.

The Headmaster said that as an incentive, the school rewards the classes which collect the most batteries every week.

He said that students were informed about the risks to the environment when batteries are disposed in the open, so in just three months they managed to collect 623 kilos of used batteries. ``AFIS has rewarded the school because this amount was the biggest ever collected``, he told CNA.

Drosia Primary School also collects plastic lids and the money is used for the purchase of medical tools and devices for people with disabilities.
“Our school has been praised by a particular company for the great effort made by the children in the collection of as many lids as possible``, the Headmaster said.

The School also participates in the program titled `Tiganokinisis`, launched by the Education Ministry, for the recycle of cooking oil which is later converted into biodiesel.

`Cooking oil can become a very useful material with an economic benefit for the school. The students participated in workshops and were taught how oil is converted into diesel`, Theodorou told CNA.

Drosia`s students also participate in a program for the reuse of old clothing which is collected and given to people in need.