The controversial subject of chemtrails will be discussed in parliament on Wednesday, followed by a public briefing in Paphos.

According to Green Party member and Peyia councillor, Linda Leblanc, a meeting of the House environment committee on aerial spraying/geoengineering/weather manipulation has been convened at the request of Green party MP George Perdikis.

“We are asking the government to carry out investigations as to who is carrying out these chemtrails over Cyprus,” said Leblanc, who will also attend the meeting.

Representatives of the ministry of agriculture, civil aviation, the meteorological service, the water department, ministry of defence, the environment commissioner, Terra Cypria and Wayne Hall, an ecological activist, from Greece, will be present. Members of the farmers’ union and Citizens against Chemtrails will also attend.

Less than two weeks ago, the Greens again raised the issue of ‘suspicious spraying’ in the skies over Cyprus, after they said hundreds of worried residents had contacted the party’s offices across the island to complain about what they believe are ‘chemtrails”.

The term chemtrail is derived from “chemical trail” and refer to aerial trails allegedly caused by the systematic high-altitude release of chemical substances, resulting in the appearance of supposedly uncharacteristic criss-cross sky tracks.

Chemtrail spraying does not refer to usual forms of aerial spraying such as crop dusting, cloud seeding or aerial fire-fighting. Chemtrails are also different to the condensation trail or contrails left by commercial aircraft.

Leblanc said that many believe that chemtrailing is used for geoengineering/weather modification, as well as ‘other’ reasons.

Geoengineering technologies are said to include solar radiation management (SRM, reflecting sunlight to space), cloud whitening and weather modification through aerial spraying (SAG, Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering).

“Worldwide, there is a massive clandestine aerial spraying of toxic miniaturised particulates (nanotechnology), such as biosynthetic fibres, aluminium, barium, strontium, sulphates, metallic oxides and others,” she said.

The Green party member claimed that the American military with some help from the British were largely responsible.

The Councillor said that the subject of chemtrailing was raised at parliament a few years ago, but promises to investigate petered out.

“We need to identify which aircraft these are and what they are doing,” she said.

“We need evidence to support what we think is going on. After the heavy bombardment of ten or so days ago, alternative therapists in Paphos were saying that many people were calling in sick.”

A presentation, ‘Resistance to Climate Manipulation’, will be given by Greek citizen, Wayne Hall, an activist and a member of Skyguards, and will take place in Paphos on Wednesday February 17 at 6pm Axiothea Hotel (Paphos old town, next to Muse café). In Greek and English. Entrance is free.